Index of the Spiritual Awakening Sessions

By Dr Pratima Joshi and Dr Prakash Joshi

S. No.      . Youtube Link
1 Open Session on Stress and Depression
2 Glimpses of Stress Management
3 Stress Management Programme
4 Participant Reviews on Stress Management Progmme
5 Open Session on Effect of Food on Mind
6 Effect of Stress on Physical Body
7 Right Attitude to Deal with Stress
8 Session on Jivan Jine Ki Kala
9 Part 1 Q&A About Guru,Gurudisciple,Gurukul Education and Sanskars
10 Part 2 Q&A About Guru,Gurudisciple,Gurukul Education and Sanskars
11 Part 3 Q&A About Guru,Gurudisciple,Gurukul Education and Sanskars
12 Part 4 Q&A About Guru,Gurudisciple,Gurukul Education and Sanskars
13 Sahaj Yoga in International Virat gurukul sammelan at Ujjain 2018
14 Prem Sadan Woman Empowerment
15 Antarik vyaktitwa vikas ki yogik guruchabi
16 Kansa went To Swarg inspite of doing Bad Karmas
17 When we do Good Karmas why do we suffer
18 UmeshKhandelwal Experience of Sadguru in Life
19 We get current Family based on Our Past Karma
20 Drawbacks of Criticizing
21 Chalisa Importance
22 Guidance on Doing Meditation
23 Mantra Chanting Benefits
24 Tum kaun Ho - Who Are You
25 Handling Jealousy
26 3 Guna and its Characteristics
27 How to Safeguard from Depression
28 Importance of Guru
29 Organizing of the Mind
30 Developing Sakshi Bhav and Detachment
31 Bada Guruvaar kyun Manate Hain
32 Guruvar ke din yellow colour ka cloth kyun pehente hain
33 Spiritual Significance of Eclipse
34 When Universe Supports Us
35 Kedarnath and Guru Power
36 Some people come to Guru because they have some personal benefit
37 Age does not matter spiritual progress
38 Balancing Material and Spiritual Life
39 How Buddha did Tyag
40 Detachment Comes from Tyag
41 Experience Of Surrender
42 Experiences With Guruji
43 How to see and speak to Guruji in Meditation
44 Qualities Of Discipleship PART 1
45 Qualities Of Discipleship PART2
46 Qualities Of Discipleship PART 3
47 Souls Condition in Coma
48 Bhiksha helps in Reducing Ego
49 Difference Between Self Esteem and Ego
50 Importance of Deities residing in Chakras of Human body
51 Prem Aur Samarpan
52 Spiritual Perspective of Tyag
53 Secret behind Guruji not sleeping for days together
54 What is need of Tyag
55 Why Rishis do Tapasya on Tiger Skin
56 Does Parents Karma impact on Child
57 Is it correct to leave material world and do spiritual progress
58 Spiritual Importance of Bhiksha and its Universal Significance
59 Spiritual importance of Fasting & Silence
60 Genuine meaning of Maun
61 Our Unique relationship with my Guru
62 Festivals from Cultural and Spiritual Science Perspective
63 During Pandemic it is seen that people are not yet going Inward
64 How to Maintain Inner Energy Levels during Physical Ailments
65 Parameters of Spiritual Advancement
66 Spiritual Concept on Human Behavior
67 Swaha Ki Yatra
68 Spirituality is very Simple
69 Different types of Karmas
70 Law of Karma Part 1
71 Law of Karma Part 2
72 Law of Karma Part 3
73 Details on Atma
74 Rachna / Creation
75 Does Soul Go to Gurudham after death
76 Self Realization / Atma Sakshatkar
77 How to Rise above Ego and strengthen Guru Consciousness
78 Brief concept of Virat Swaroop
79 Types of Guru & Atma Guru
80 Transformation By Guru
81 Activating Pranas for better Body Functioning
82 The Strength of Positive Thinking
83 Channelizing Anger Energy for Motivation
84 The Ocean of Feelings and its Improvisation Part 1
85 The Ocean of Feelings and its Improvisation Part 2
86 Thoughts and Feelings Part 1
87 Thoughts and Feelings Part 2
88 Spirituality and Music
89 Madhu Vidya
90 Are Emotions Left after Self Realization
91 Marriages are made in Heaven then why do marriages break
92 Can a person have 2 Gurus at a time
93 How to do Spiritual Progress by Purifying 5 Elements
94 Importance of Shraadh
95 Music and Spirituality Raag Ragini
96 Why Om is there in all Mantras
97 Handling people who show they are spiritual
98 Qualities of a Sevak
99 How Guru is very Practical
100 Importance of offerings during Shraadh
101 Managing children and the Self
102 Handling Frustration which comes while Chanting
103 How to Build up Positive Personality
104 How to build Positive Attitude
105 Importance Of Gaya Pooja
106 Scientific and Spiritual Evaluation of Yagnya
107 Are we interfering in Nature by Helping someone
108 Importance of Prayer
109 Deities Listen To Prayers Part 1
110 How to merge into Divine
111 Enlightening about Human Debt to Ancestors, Deities and Rishi's
112 Is Success or Failure the criteria for Detachment?
113 Dr Pratima Joshi's Spiritual Journey
114 Dr Prakash Joshi's Spiritual Journey
115 Definition of Dharma
116 Garbha Sanskar
117 Due to Prarabdha only bad people come in Life
118 Deep understanding of Devotion and Blessings
119 How can we evalute our life for Spiritual Progress
120 Positive Attitute
121 Who gets the Experience of Ananda
122 How to Manage Inter Personal Relationship
123 Effects of Feelings on Human Personality and Behavior
124 Chakra Meditation
125 Does Kundali change if we do Good Karma
126 Kundali
127 Importance of Gurukul Education System in today's Era
128 How to handle situations when others dont let you Forgive
129 What happens when we Knowingly Fail the Test taken by Nature
130 Impact of Thought Process on Human Body
131 How a person can get relieved from Karmic cycle
132 Craving is biggest hurdle on Spiritual Path
133 How Guru Heals the desciple by Chutkis
134 Swami Vivekananda said Play Football instead of doing Meditation
135 How Emotions Work during Seva
136 Part 1 Is it fine to get attached to a person while doing seva
137 Part 2 Is it fine to get attached to a person while doing seva
138 If you support a bad karma then is that person liable to suffer
139 Necessity is Mother of Creation
140 How to Become Source of Inspiration for Others
141 How to react on other being Judgemental on us
142 On the Spiritual Path at times sufferings are fast forward then how family handles it.
143 Does Karmic balance clear by just listening to Spiritual Books like Bhagwat
144 Difference between intention and wish
145 Can Parents intention influence Our intention
146 Kshama Bhav (Forgiveness)
147 Part 1 Best Asanas during Worship
149 Part 2 on Best Asanas during Worship
148 Offerings on ShivLinga
150 Our Bhav while offering Jal on Shiv Ling
151 Relation between Spiritual Energy and Vanaspati
152 Energy is Enlightened and Consciousness is Not
153 What is Powerful Meditation or Motivation
154 Can our Karmic Balance be neutralized with Good Karma
155 Forgiveness
156 Anger Management
157 Acceptance
158 Connection between Fakiri and Befikri connected to Spirituality
159 Can Destiny be Changed
160 Result of Unnecessary Criticism
161 Elaborate Akelapan aur Ekant
162 Covid A Spiritual Perspective
163 Pandemic is Whose Karma
164 How to Manage Negative Thoughts in Pandemic
165 How to Implement Positivity from Great ones by reading their Biography
166 Pandemic Predictions
167 Can Repentance at death bed nullify Karma
168 How to Overcome Challenges and move towards God
169 Is this fine that Guru gives blessings of the Material Benefits
170 Can Fighting for our Rights Attract Karma
171 What Blessings we get from Devi Devtas although we have our Guru
172 Importance and Effect of Mantra on Oneself and Surroundings
173 Importance of going to Holy Places
174 Is Karma Associated with Previous Birth
175 People around us are fruits of our own Karmas
176 How to channelize Emotions and Feelings to God or Guru
177 Relation between Karmic Balance and Perception
178 Importance of Dandvat Pranam
179 Importance of Mantra Jap with Feelings
180 Is Salvation Possible in Animal Kingdom?
181 How Probability of Next Birth is Decided
182 Why ancestors or family members dosent learn from events and turn towards spirituality
183 Difference between Rishi, Muni, Sadhu, Sanyasi and Guru
184 Unconditional Surrender Essence of Guru Disciple Relation
185 Why not to allow anyone touching the Mastak or Agya chakra
186 Self Induced disorders Scientific, Ayurvedic, Spiritual view
187 Different Types of Sins
188 Why did Ram asked Laxman to bow down to Ravana when Ravana was dying
189 Is Yoga only Breathing Exercise, Meditation
190 Disease Ayurvedic Perspective by Dr Prakash Joshi
191 Inner Personality Development by Dr. Pratima Joshi
193 Importance of seva in Human Life
194 Ayurveda Acidic constitution pitta prakriti in relation to 40 plus disorders
195 Art of balancing domestic and spiritual life
196 Understanding meaning of knowledge
197 Different Types of Seva
198 Qualities of spiritual person and role of Guru in Enlightenment
199 Purpose Of Life
200 Law Of Karma and Concept of Moksha
201 Guru Shishiya Parampara - Master Piece
202 Shiv Tatva and Guru Sthan
203 Kundalini Awakening - Spirituality, Deep Contemplation
204 Karma, Purushartha & Role of Guru
205 3 Stages to nullify the I Ego
206 Can we release the Karma only with Prarthana
207 Can we Pray for our Guru
208 Connection with the Guru at the Agya Chakra
209 Seeing Colors in Meditation & what happens when a Chakra opens
210 Difference between Prem and Aasakti
211 Anahad Naad details and experience
212 Anubhav in Gyan Yog
213 Divine Experience at Gurusthan
214 Dr Praksh Joshi's Experience on Ajapa Jap
215 Gayatri Mantra needs Initiation by the Guru
216 How Aum and Guru mantra heals 5 bodies
217 How Mantra Siddha happens effortlessly
218 How Seva balances the Energy
219 How Seva done now can Give Fruits for many Births
220 Importance of Rudraksha
221 Nishkam Karma
222 Process of Kundalini Jagrut and how Guruji helps in doing it easily
223 Secrets of Shangrila Shambhala and How Guru Helps towards Moksha
224 Should Meditation be done by sitting Straight only
225 Spiritual Experiences (Anahad Naad, Divine Fragrance, Feeling Light Body)
226 Vishwas Maanta Shradha explained nicely